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There are (few more sobering 1online) activities [than entering data into college-tuition calculators 2 and gasping 3 as the Web spits back 4 a six-figure sum]. But economists say families (about to go into debt to fund 5 four years of partying), ^as well as studying^, can console themselves [with 6the knowledge] {that college is an investment (that, ^unlike many bank stocks^, should yield 7 huge dividends 8.)}
注:1. sobering adj. 清醒的,冷静的;适度的,严肃的。例:

It also provides some sobering guidance for policy and decision-makers at local, national and international level.

2. calculator n. 计算器,计算机。文中此意,例:

The easy-to-use calculator asks for a starting location and destination, and the number of travellers.
[选自:BBC: NEWS | Travel | To drive or fly? That is the question ]

calculate v. 计算,推算;计划,打算。例:

We calculate the trip will take about 8 days
be calculate to do sth. 旨在,打算,适合于做...

3. gasp n. 喘息,气喘。例:

After running, my breath came in short, quick gasps.
vi. 喘息。文中此意,例:

Betty gasped and ran to catch up with her classmates.
v. 气喘吁吁地说 

gasp forth/out 喘着气说出

The patient gasped out his last word and fainted.
4. spits back 吐回。例:

After the 90 seconds the instructions require, he spits it back into the plastic cup from which it came.
5. fund n.专款,基金,[pl.]资金,现款

raise funds 筹集资金

additional/extra fund 额外基金

trust fund 信托基金

federal fund 联邦基金

foreign fund 外资

vt. 拨款

government-fund 政府拨款的 

public-fund 公办的

privately-fund 私人拨款的

emergency fund 紧急拨款

6. console vt. 安慰,抚慰。例:

The world number 11 will no doubt have learned much from watching the world’s best player go about his work and can console himself with the fact that he is now a certainty for the European Ryder Cup team in September.
[选自:BBC: NEWS | SPORT | Golf | Tiger Woods hugs caddie Steve Williams ]

console sb. with  用...安慰某人...

I consoled her with an exciting story.
7. yield vt. 出产,生长。文中此意,例:

These trees yield fruits richly.
vi. 屈服,服从

yield to 屈服,服从。例:

The tiny country did not yield to the enemy’s fierce domination.
n. 产量,收获。例:

rice yields doubled last year.


8. dividend n. 红利,股息;回报,效益;被开除。例:

The Board of Directors declared an interim dividend of 3.8 HK cents per share.
[选自:ENGADGET: Lenovo posts Q2 earnings, sees increase in profits, shipments and market share]

The dividend is too poor to pay the expense.
A 2008 study (by two Harvard economists) notes that the “labor-market premium 1 to skill” – or the amount college graduates earned that’s greater [than what high-school graduate earned] – [decreased for much of the 20th century, but has come back with 2 a vengeance since the 1980s]. [In 2005], (the typical 3 full-time 4 year-round 5 U.S.) worker [with a four-year college degree] earned $50,900, [62% more than the $31,500] (earned by a worker) [with only a high-school diploma 6].
注:1. premium n. (投保人向保险公司支付的)保险金;额外费用(文中此意);奖赏,赠品。例:

The bigger the risk an insurance company takes, the higher the premium you will have to pay.
Chinese consumers still distrust domestic food makers and are willing to pay a premium for foreign brands.
[选自:ECONOMIST | Bright Food | Why a Chinese food company wants to gobble up Western outfits]

adj. 高级的,优质的;售价高的。例:

Starbucks provides premium quality coffee drinks.
The enterpriser bought the farmland at a premium price.
2. come back with 带回来。例:

Don’t blame me if you come back with a flea in your ear!
3. typical adj. (of)典型的,有代表性的,例:

Andy’s a typical teenager, he likes his sleep but he has been making an effort.
[选自:BBC: SPORT | Tennis | Murray knuckles down]

[派]typically (adv.典型地,有代表性地)

4. full-time adj. 全部时间的;全日制的;专职的,专任的。例:

Mothering was a full-time job.
n. (足球等的)比赛结束,终场。例:

The score at full-time was 1:1
5. year-round adj. 全年的,整整一年的。文中此意,例:

Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine.
adv. 全年地。例:

They work 7 days a week year-round.
6. diploma n. 毕业文凭,学位证书。例:

Today, for example, a high school diploma no longer guarantees you a good job.
[选自: WHITEHOUSE: The Critical Role of Manufacturing]

相关词汇:diplomat 外交官

There’s no question {that going to college is a smart economic choice.} But a look at the strange variations 1 in tuition 2   reveals 3 that the choice (about which college to attend) doesn’t come down [merely 4  ] to 5 dollars and cents. Does going to Columbia University (tuition, room and board $49,260 in 2007-08)  原 yield a 40% greater return [than attending the University of Colorado at Boulder] [as an out-of-state 6 student ($35,542)  原]? Probably not. Does being an out-of-state student [at the University of Colorado at Boulder] yield twice the amount (of 7 income) [as being an in-state8 student ($17,380)  原 there]? Not likely.
注:1. variation n. 变化,变动;变种,变异。例:

These animals can feel tiny variation in temperature.
There is lots of variation out there in how we take information in and process it.
[选自:BBC: NEWS | Health | Myths about our minds]

2. tuition n. 学费;例:

Those campers, upon graduating from high school, would then get some tuition assistance for college.
[选自:WSJ: Donor of the Day: Jay Jacobs]

tuition charge/fees 学费

3. reveal vt. 展示,显示;揭示,揭露,告诉,泄露。例:

At that point, I decided to reveal that I had been stringing him along.
[选自:BBC: A phone call for Mr Sellan]

to reveal a secret  揭示秘密

We don’t reveal the names of our guests.
4. merely adv. 仅仅,只不过。例:

Thomas argued that he was merely taking a nap.
5. come down to 归结起来(为...); 屈尊做某事;来,下来;回落。例:

Walter Crowley says the problem comes down to money.
Both parties had been saying for weeks that the presidential campaign would all come down to Florida.
[选自:cnn: Florida recount: In the eye of the storm]

In other words, batteries have to come down to less than$200per kw/h before electrics can go mainstream.
6. out-of-state adj. [美]其他州的,外州的。例:

out-of-state tuition  外州及国际学生;州外学费

out-of-State student 外州学生

out-of-state tuition waiver 学费

7. the amount of 数量,总量;总额;大量。例:

Some have expressed concern about the amount of sand needed for the new houses.
[选自:BBC: NEWS | Africa | Nigeria's plastic bottle house]

8. in-state 本州的,州内的

in-state tuition 州内学费

incredibly low in-state tuition 非常低的国内学生费用

No, [in this consumerist 1 age], most buyers aren’t evaluating 2   college <as an investment 3, but rather as a consumer product> – ^like a car or clothes or a house^. And [with such purchases 4], price is [only] one of many crucial factors (to consider).
注:1. consumerist n.主张消费主义的人。例:

He was a good businessman,but he had the mentality of a consumerist.
adj. 消费主义的。例:

“Facebook should now be called The Information Black hole,” one Consumerist commenter proclaimed.
[选自:cnn NEWS | Technology | Facebook faces furor over content rights]

2. evaluate vt. 估计,评价;求...的值。例:

Efforts to further evaluate this and related approach in the clinic should be prioritised.
[选自:BBC: New hope for head injury patients]

2.investment n. 投资额,投资。例:

Investment has been strong and will be helped by recent declines in long-term interest rates.
[选自:ECONOMIST: The recovery stumbles but still has legs]

The return in the short term may be small, but over a number of years the investment.
4. purchase vt. 购买,买。例:

People use money to purchase goods.
n. 购买的商品。(文中此意)例:

“I have decided to postpone the purchase as I will have more choices,” he says.

[As with automobiles 1], consumers (in today’s college marketplace) have vast 2 choices, and people search for the one (that gives them the most comfort and satisfaction [in line with their budgets 3].) This accounts for the willingness (of people to pay more for different types of experiences) (such as attending a private liberal-arts 4 college or going to an out-of-state public school that has a great marine-biology program)原. And [just as two auto purchasers might spend an equal amount (of money on very different cars),] college students (or, more accurately 5, their parents)原 [often] show a willingness (to pay essentially 6 the same price for vastly different products). So which is it? Is college an investment product [like a stock] or a consumer product [like a car]? [In keeping with 7 the automotive world’s hottest consumer trend], [maybe] it’s best [to characterize 8 it <as a hybrid>]; an expensive consumer product (that, [over time 9], will pay rich dividends.)
注:1. automobile n. 汽车。例:

Export-oriented manufacturing – in particular automobile production – and farm output are driving these gains.
[选自:FORBES: Magazine Article]

2. vast adj. 巨大的,辽阔的,大量的;巨额的。例:

The government says the vast majority - about 90% - are members of organized crime.
[选自:WSJ: Report Blames Mexican Security Forces For Abuse]

The actors were brought from Paris to London at vast expense.
3. budget n. 预算。文中此意,例:

In 2013, are you prepared to enact deeper defence cuts to balance the budget?

2013年,你准备好通过更深层次的平衡预算削减国防开支吗?[选自:BBC: NEWS | US & Canada | PJ Crowley: 10 questions for the Republican candidates]

短语:budget office预算局

annual budget 年度预算

government budget政府预算

cut down the budget削减预算

The schoolmaster wanted to cut down the budget.
vi. 做预算 

The chief of police is budgeting for heavy spending.
in line with符合;与…一致

4. liberal-arts 大学文科。例:

The move to cut the Liberal Arts degree is part of wider cost-reduction plans.
[选自:BBC: NEWS | Scotland | Dumfries University of Glasgow degree battle stepped up]

A nonscientific branch of learning,one of the liberal arts.
5. accurately adv. 精确地,准确地。例:

Experts said it was difficult to forecast accurately the final bill from the earthquake and tsunami.
[选自:BBC: NEWS | Business |Japan earthquake: Insurers hit by claim fears]

相关词汇 accurate adj. 精确的,准确的

6. essentially adv. 本质上,根本上。例:

The union said owners essentially gave it an ultimatum to accept a 50-50 split of revenues.
[选自:NPR: NBA Labor Talks Turn Nasty As Negotiations End]

7.in keeping with 和...一致,与...协调。例:

Opponents said the look of the modern suspension bridge was not in keeping with the historic town.
[选自:BBC: NEWS | England | Plan for new bridge at Bradford-on-Avon is scrapped]

The report showed this actions were in keeping with international law.
8.characterize vt. 表示...的特征,描述...的特性。例:

He declined to characterize her demeanor in the video or provide any additional details.
[选自:cnn: News | Crime |$100,000 reward offered in Indiana missing student case]

I find it healthy to characterize people I don’t known.
这里需要注意,to characterize这里是作目的状语,最好这样描述,在该状语中,细分了一下characterize作形式谓语的情况。

9. over time 随着时间的推移;超时,归根结底;有朝一日

Over time, we are confident that the prices of these sorts of cars will come down.
[选自:WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing]

We had to work over time to complete this complicated project. 