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  I often see numbers written like this: 19.456 thousand or this: 19,456 thousand. Neither is correct in English, and both may cause confusion.   我经常看到有人这么用英语来写数字:19.456千,或者19,456千。这两种写法都不对,而且会引起误会。   In English we do not mix numerals and words unless we are using the words “million”, “billion”, “trillion” etc. So, it is wrong to write, e.g., 24 thousand; instead you should write 24,000 or twenty-four thousand.   在英语中,除了表示“百万”,“十亿”,“万亿”等词外,数字和单词是不能混用的。比如,你如果写24千,那就是错的,你应该写成24,000 或者twenty-four thousand(用数字,就全部用数字;用单词,就全部用单词;不能夹杂着用)。   19.456 thousand or 19,456 thousand should therefore be written in English in either of the following ways:   所以,19.456千,或者19,456千应该按照下面这样的方式写才对:   19,456,000 or 19.456 million (read as “nineteen million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand” or “nineteen point four-five-six million”)   19,456,000 或者19.456 million(读作,一千九百四十五万六千)。