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  谈了三点,时间管理time management , finish the work on time
  人员选择:select the expeienced sales maneger to lead the team,
  成本控制:consider about the budget
  第三部分抽到那个 建立新销售团队然后评估的

  第一部分就自我介绍,然后老师问了下你认为学习英语的重要性。然后是一个问题:what brand name means to chinese,好像是这个意思,我竟然说了一句chinese think old is good。。。把自己都汗住了
  第二部分三个题,我只记住了自己回答的那个。。。是communication:the importance of a in-house company magazine
  第三部分的discussion是关于how to built a new sales team...最后这个搭档说的蛮好,我是说的一塌糊涂。。。

  Part1  ~1.Where are you from?
   ~2.Talk something about your job or study and your future plan.(partner的是ideal employer)
  ~3.How do you think is working life changing in  China?
  Part2  ~project management:factors involved in running a project effectively
  part3  ~Your company which runs fast food restaraunt have achieved record revenue and is condidering to expand.
  1.in what way can it expand effectively
  2.what benefit can the company get from outside expertise
  后面问的问题有:1.what will happen if a company grow too fast?
   2.what should be consider when a company wants to expand in another country?
  主考官问了我第二个问题,我死活听不出'in another country'中的‘another’, pardon了两次都没听懂,最后考官无奈地给我换了另外一题,当时就慌了,题目就记不清了,。考官会不会觉得我在变相地质疑她的发音啊?

  我是第二场 题卡上写了个2
  第一部分 What do you like most about your major and what's your ideal employer
  Do you think the working life has changed in china
  第二部分 The importance of having an internal magazine in the communication of different departments
  The importance of having both permenant employees and temperary employees in a company
  还有一个记不得了 抱歉
  第三部分  因为企业扩张要新建一个sales representitve的团队,问题是要给他们什么support 还有就是如何measure the performance
  追加的问题是 Would you like to manage a sales team and why还有do you think it is important to have a feedback system when managing a sales team

  我的题目:Part1,talk something about your work or study place
  Part 2. the factors involved in a training program.
  Part 3. the supermarket chain you worked for plan to launch a training program to some of your employees. Your manager ask you to make some suggestions to this plan.
  (1) how to select emplyee to attend the training program.
  (2) what training program should  be introduced.