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  1. a great [faculty] for music
  a.member b.capability c.audience d.knowledge
  2. clear [evidence]
  a.proof b.knowledge c.situation d.agency
  3. a bulk of [freight]
  a.weight b.surprise c.failure d.cargo
  4. a [handy] little box
  a.relative b.heavy c.convenient d.cheap
  5. a [horrible] accident
  a.dangerous b.ghastly c.sore d.big
  6. the [majesty] of the mountains
  a.grandeur b.faculty c.monument d.honor
  7. The [peak] of a mountain
  a.foot b.summit c.height d.horn
  8. [rude] remarks
  a.loud b.impolite c.direct d.candid
  9. to [sprinkle] water on the road
  a.scatter b.draw c.drink d.gather
  10. large [sum] of money
  a.spending b.peak c.amount d.resort
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